London Regional Cytology Training Centre

World class training for cancer screening healthcare professionals


13, February 2025

Personal Details
Male        Female  
  Yes               No       Course Requirements       

Trust Details

Training Officer Details

Payment Method
Cheque      Invoice      London Contracted

All LRCTC courses are available to contracted London regional students at no individual charge. This excludes the Cytopathology for Pathologists course. All other students will be charged per person the relevant course fee.

For all course fees please click the Courses tab above.


If you are paying by cheque:

Please make you cheques payable to 'London North West Healthcare NHS Trust' and send to the training centre address which you can find in the Contact Us tab

If you wish to be invoiced:

Please fill in the Invoicing Details section fully on booking form.

Cancellation Fees:
2-4 weeks prior to course starting
50% will be deducted
0-1weeks prior to course starting

No refund will be given